Monday, July 1, 2013

Dear Editor

Dear Editor,

It took me a while to not be upset and frustrated. It's good that we made it all the way to chapter 12 before this happened and of course after some serious thought, contemplation, frustration, more contemplation, and a bunch of other emotions I have come to the conclusion that you are right, mostly. Hopefully we will be on the same page after you review what I rewrote and edited and rewrote again. 



Dear Fire,

Okay, I know pushing you aside was the right thing to do while I tried to work on other things, but I have to admit that I am thoroughly enjoying working with you right now.



Dear Dryads,

I'm so sorry you have been shoved aside. I will return. I promise. Just as soon as I'm done burning.

Fiery Yours,


Dear Blog,

I know you've been neglected. Don't worry, so has everything else in my life.

Crazily busy,


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