Friday, April 28, 2017

Recently Read

So I thought I would post a list of books I've recently read and enjoyed, this way 
if it's something you're interested in you can find them and read them too.
Click on the link to go to the Amazon page and find out what they're about.

For those Jane Austen fans who like a little variety:

Mistakenly Married and Reluctantly Married by Victorian E. Lieske

So that's a few reading ideas. Some are romances. Some are historical romances. Some are suspense. And a fairytale rendition too. I post more ideas soon. Enjoy!!!

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Sunday, April 23, 2017

Sunday Morning Musings

So, I'm sitting in my living room right now thinking about what to write on my overdue blog. Outside the birds sing and call, which is great because we've had so much rain lately that the birds hardly ever come out to sing anymore. Even on this overcast day I hear the lovely twittering birdsong. Out my back door the azaleas are starting to bloom, and of course the dogwood trees that make my allergies miserable. Spring is finally here.

Last week was Easter and I probably should have post then, but hey I'm thinking about it now. What a beautiful world we have to live in. Thank you, my Savior Jesus Christ. Thank you for your Atoning Sacrifice that allows me to find joy in the crazy world we live in. Thank you for your Resurrection which gives me hope, just like the little birds sing and have hope for the day.

We have so much to be thankful for in this world and today I am thankful!

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Dear Editor

Dear Characters,

How do you do it? How do you make me feel every emotion possible? How do I not explode when I read or write your stories? You make me crazy. . .  maybe I am crazy. That's it. It's official. I'm crazy!

Insanely yours,

Dear Social Media Marketing,

I'm tired. I wish you would do all the work yourself, but alas, that is not possible. Now back to all that posting, tweeting, and blogging. . .  oh wait, I am blogging. Good. That's something. Right?


Dear Punctuation,

I. Hate. You.

Enough said,

Dear Editor,

Why do I feel like no matter how many times I go through my manuscript that there still needs to be things fixed. Will it ever be done? Will I ever finish? 


Dear . . . ?

Wait. What just happened?


Saturday, April 1, 2017

April Fools

Have you ever thought about all the crazy holidays that we have here in America? Seriously. I want to create a holiday, and not just in one of my books. I want a holiday that will celebrate something totally bizarre. Oh wait, we already have that. It's April Fools day.

According to Wikipedia (I know, it isn't always the most accurate resource, but I'm being lazy today)

April Fools' Day (sometimes called All Fools' Day) is celebrated every year on April 1 by playing practical jokes and spreading hoaxes. The jokes and their victims are called April fools. People playing April Fool jokes expose their prank by shouting April Fool. Some newspapers, magazines, and other published media report fake stories, which are usually explained the next day or below the news section in small letters. Although popular since the 19th century, the day is not a public holiday in any country.
Geoffrey Chaucer's The Canterbury Tales (1392) contains the first recorded association between April 1 and foolishness.

Who knew it's been around this long. But really a who day to celebrate pranks, jokes, and overall foolishness. I think it's really all about how happy we are to see spring after a long rainy winter and then the weather does a crazy turn shouting "Ha, April Fools!"

Whatever the origin, we have a crazy holiday that celebrates the bizarre. On to the next odd thing . . .