Friday, November 14, 2014

Dear Editor

Dear Editor,

Whew, I'm so glad that is done! It's going to be fantastic! I'm so excited to finally see it in print. Thank you for all your hard work in polishing The Line That Divides.


Melanie Mason Author

Dear Storm,

I'm so sorry I ignored you for nearly two weeks. Please forgive me. It will be worth it in the end, I promise.

Very Tiredly Yours,


Dear Reading Glasses,

The fact that I even have to use you makes me feel old, and I'm Not Old! (Sigh)
Thanks for making things on my computer screen clearer.


Tired Eyes

Dear Laundry, Living Room, Kitchen, and Bathroom:

Editing comes first, cleaning later. Sorry.



Dear Clock Ticking On The Wall,

Why is it that when I start it is so early and yet it feels late, but after I've been involved in my writing it IS so late and yet feels so early? Explain this to me. Can you also explain why you have to move so quickly on my day off and so slowly when I have to work? Especially when I have TONS of writing stuff to do? Grrrrr.

Tick Tock,

One who is ready to pull the batteries

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