Saturday, December 22, 2018

On the ninth day of Christmas an author gave to me...

Namesake by Kate Stradling

“Who needs magic in an age of electricity? I can flip the switch on the wall with the best of them.”
Anjeni Sigourna bears the name of a legendary goddess, but her resemblance to that honored figure ends there. Eighteen and jaded, she has cultivated sarcasm instead of the elusive magic everyone expects her to possess. Such mystic power lacks purpose in her modern world.
But when an adverse encounter with the Eternity Gate lands her in an alien realm, magic marks the boundary between life and certain death. Anjeni alone holds the keys to saving an ancient people from a savage enemy. Her bitterness notwithstanding, she must now create a legend instead of living in its shadow.

Kate Stradling is a structure junkie who adores the English language. Her novels flit through the fantasy spectrum, from dystopia lite to fairy tales to time-travel adventures. She blogs about literary tropes and word-smithing at and makes her home in sunny Mesa, Arizona.

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